Personal Information
Personal Details
Employment Eligibility
Driving Details
Next of kin details
Work History
We need up to at least 5yrs work history please with no gaps.
Education/Qualification History
Skills Experience & Training
Please click on which training you have completed and the date on the notes (certificates must be provided).
Health Declaration
GP Details
Please Note
The above information will be held in strict confidence. If you are aware of any health issue that you feel may affect your ability to undertake responsibilities of the post, it is your responsibility to inform the Care Manager immediately. Again any details discussed in the meeting will be held in strict confidence.
DBS Declaration
Terms of employment
If any provision of this Agreement should be held to be invalid it shall to that extent be severed and the remaining provisions shall continue to have full force and effect. You may be required to use personal vehicle to and from work. No fuel reimbursement will be given. You are responsible for meeting the cost of DBS Disclosure. The employer, in some circumstances, may agree to advance the cost only if you agree it to be deducted from your pay. Carers will achieve NVQ Level 2 within 2 years of the start of employment. All care staff and trainees, including all staff under 18, will register on and successfully complete Skills for care certified training programme. The Company has written and published a formal policy/procedure document covering employee grievances which relate to your employment. The document is entitled “Employee Discipline” and is available for review at any reasonable time. Please contact your Manager for further information, or to request to review a copy. If you are dissatisfied with any disciplinary or dismissal decision relating to you then you should, in the first instance, apply in writing, to the Care Manager stating the grounds for your appeal. The person who will consider the appeal may vary according to individual circumstances. The Company has written and published a formal policy/procedure document covering employee grievances which relate to your employment. The document is entitled “Employee Grievances” and is available for review at any reasonable time. Please contact your Care Manager for further information, or to request to review a copy. If a grievance cannot be resolved informally then you must put your grievance, in writing to your Care Manager. A simple form has been designed for this purpose. Employees with reading or language difficulties should seek assistance, for example, from a work colleague. Subsequent steps, including the right of appeal, are explained in the formal document. The following documents form part of this statement: Employee handbook Policy and procedure manual Notices